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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Explosive Limit

The explosive limit, also called the explosion limit, of a gas or a vapour, is the limiting concentration (on air) that is needed for the gas to ignite and explode. There are two explosive limits for any gas or vapor, the lower explosive limit (LEL) and the upper explosive limit (UEL). At concentrations in air below the LEL there is not enough fuel to continue an explosion; at concentrations above the UEL the fuel has displaced so much air that there is not enough oxygen to begin a reaction. Concentrations of explosive gases are often given in terms of percent of lower explosive limit (%LEL).

Controlling gas and vapor concentrations outside the explosive limits is a major consideration in occupational safety and health. Methods used to control the concentration of a potentially explosive gas or vapor include use of sweep gas, an inert gas such as nitrogen or argon to dilute the explosive gas before coming in contact with air.

Use of scrubbers or adsorption resins to remove explosive gases before release are also common. Gases can also be maintained safely at concentrations above the UEL, although a breach in the storage container can lead to explosive conditions or intense fires. The explosive limits of some gases and vapors are given below. Concentrations are given in percent by volume of air.

Temperature Limits for Common Metals

here is a table of temperature limits for common metals. it's useful and give you a choice when design a pipeline depend on a budget.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Soekarno : Secret in The Past

We never know what the secret in the past, there are a many missing link between the the past and now. Its the job a historian to reveal it.
I like to learn a little about history, because from there we can learn their mistake and try to never repeat it.
I never know that My first president Ir. Soekarno ever to meet Che Guevara; Fidel Castro, but from this photo I know that they ever meet.

The President of Indonesia Republic

One of the best shoot unreleased that can take in the early period Independence of Indonesia Republic, The first President Ir. Soekarno and Soeharto in the young the next or 2nd President of Indonesia Republic.